Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer Fun in the Backyard of Your Own Orlando Home

Summer is gearing up, and the great summer holidays are right around the corner. From 4th of July picnics and fireworks to Memorial Day barbeques, and every sunny day in between, a little preparation can make your Orlando home a spot for summer fun.

Clean Up the Grill
One of the most popular pieces of outdoor party equipment is the barbeque grill. Over winter, it can accumulate a lot of dust. Propane tanks may need recharging and even the tires might need filling. If the grill wasn't cleaned and stored properly, last summer's leftovers may be hanging on for dear life, and be really hard to get rid of. A good oven spray can help a lot. Spray on a generous amount and let your grill sit in the sun for a few hours before attempting to scrub the food surface clean.

Clean Up the Yard
Clutter is not only unsightly it can also be hazardous. Along with making sure toys are picked up and put away, check for branches that could have been knocked down by storms. Also check for holes or uneven areas in the grass where a guest could twist an ankle.

Decorate Appropriately
Different holidays have themes that can be used to make your Orlando home's yard and patio look its best. For everyday fun in the yard, situate tiki lamps in strategic spots to keep away flies and mosquitoes. Use brightly colored serving dishes, plates and napkins. You'll find an amazing array of them at your local discount store.

Invite Friends and Family to Share the Fun
Parties are only as good as the people around you. Invite friends and family to make a fun Orlando home party even better. One final tip: Have plenty of games on hand for all age groups.

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