Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Get Rid of Clutter in Your Orlando Homes

Getting rid of clutter in your Orlando homes can be a challenge for anyone. We are overwhelmed with junk mail, paper from our children’s school, bills, magazines, trinkets, toys and clothes. It can be difficult to sort through the mess to determine what we really need. Even when the clutter is all sorted, new clutter seems to replace it overnight. There are several ways that you can get rid of the mess in your home.

• Start in one room and finish it. It can be overwhelming to try to organize a whole house. Start in one room and go through it. Discard things that you have not used in the last six months. If you have not worn it or used it in that time, then you don’t need it. Discard all broken or stained items. You aren’t going to fix them, or you would already have done it.

• Throw things away. Don’t set things aside to sort later, just in case you may need it. When sorting, make a bin of items to keep and a bin of things to throw away. Getting in the habit of discarding unneeded items can be difficult at first, but it will drastically cut down on clutter in your Orlando homes.

• Give things away. Get rid of clutter and help those in need by donating items that you're no longer using.

• Label your storage bins. Many times clutter develops because there is no set place to put things. For instance, in the toy room, have individual storage bins for toy cars, railroad tracks, dolls and crayons. Each bin should be clearly labeled so that all family members can participate in putting things where they’re supposed to go. With young children, it may be helpful to take a picture of the items that go in the bin, and tape it to the front of the container.

It’s easy to have clutter free Orlando homes using these organizing tips.

If your home is already organized, but you still don't have enough room, it may be time to buy a larger home. we can help. Call us today at 407-876-5771 for more information.

1 comment:

John said...

It's better to give things away. I can relate with that line.